History of the Company
Establishment: Our company has been established in 1984 as a sideline of several agricultural co-operatives. In 1990 the company has been transformed into private company – natural person. The founder of the company is František Beňo. Through the years of existence of the company we have gained experiences and skills in maintainance and service of electro motors and gradually, also in other fields. The company Beno-elektroservis is one of the market leaders in this field proved also by a long-term cooperation with Siemens leading to position of solution partner for Siemens.
Seat: Šoporňa, Argentínska 1378, the Slovak republic

Type of activity: The initial activity of the company has been a wind of electro motors, over time supplemented with other service activities in electro technic and business activities.
- service of electro motors - rewinding asynchronous and DC motors, slip ring motors.
- service of pumps - self priming pump, heat pump, sewage pump, submersible pump, air pump
- service of welding technic - rectifiers, semiautomatic, charger, invertors
- service of hand tools - NAREX, MAKITA, BOSCH
In all above fields we cooperate with significant producers in a position of authorized service center (e.g. SIEMENS, SIGMA, NAREX, TRIODYN, FIMER, LENZE, BOSCH, STIHL, MEZ, MAKITA).
Employees: Number of employees is up to 25.
Market position: Today, out company is one of the leaders on electro motors service market that is a result of high-quality skilled work of our employees and cooperation with several electro motors producers from Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. According to current trends in assurance of quality of services and production we are under certification of quality management in terms of ISO standards.
References: BEKAERT a.s. Hlohovec, BEKAERT SLOVAKIA Sládkovičovo, HORLE WIRE Nitra, ISTROCHEM a.s. Bratislava, VW Bratislava, PSA TRNAVA, SACHS s.r.o. TRNAVA, ŽOS a.s. Trnava, SPP a.s. Bratislava, EUSTREAM a.s NITRA, SLOVNAFT MAO Kľačany, SLOVENSKÉ ELEKTRÁRNE a.s. Mochovce, Jaslovské Bohunice, Trenčín, CESTNÉ STAVBY a.s. Nitra, PIVOVAR HEINEKEN Hurbanovo, ATLAS COPCO Trenčín, TOPVAR Topoľčany, DUSLO Šaľa, TDK Dubnica, REYDEL Automotive Slovakia, SIEMENS Bratislava and other.